The SRI paper also discusses the Ni-H work of Notoya, Ohmori, Noninski and Bush. I worked closely with all of those people. I paid several thousand dollars of my own money for some of their work. I have lots of data from them. I know a great deal about their calorimetry. I am not confident that they got positive results. I have no confidence in the calorimetry of the latter two in particular. I agree with McKubre and Srinivasan's take on this. They did not dismiss Ni-H and neither did I, but it was far from convincing. It was puzzling.
McKubre and Srinivasan did everything they could. They did as good a job as anyone did back then. Armchair critics who claim they were "posturing" are out of line. People who have not done experiments -- or paid for experiments -- have no notion of hard this is, or what a risk it is. Cold fusion is much harder than it looks. - Jed