From: Jed Rothwell * SRI's publication quoted by Krivit makes it clear they were keeping track of the research. They were stretched thin and could not try every promising technique. They wasted no time.
Haste makes waste. Yet, they should have taken full notice of what Thermacore had accomplished years earlier, as stated in the Gernert paper on the LENR site. ONE DID NOT NEED NANOPOWDER FOR THIS, only a careful evaluation of the state of the art at that time. For heaven's sake, Thermacore's patent had already issued - not just filed but issued - long before Srinivasan even arrived on the scene. He or someone else was negligent in not pursuing the most robust results that were easily attainable at that time - hydrogen gas phase. If he declined because of the patent - that could be relevant, but it is not in the record. Yes, I know that hindsight is 20/20 but why is Rothwell trying to rewrite the history of this episode ? It is clear in that SRI dropped the ball on several occasions, and not just this one. We should probably admit that, forgive them, and move on to the present. However, I am not convinced they are making amends. I hope they have an active program Lab going on now - since the Ahern contract is over, and it was miserly at best - but I suspect that, regrettably, all available funds are going to 'other things' besides R&D. You may not like the term 'posturing' for those 'other things', and First Class flights are expensive these day - and we do need conferences, and videos, and so on to educate the masses - but this is clearly not R&D by an outfit whose mission should be Lab R&D. Or have they morphed into PR? They still have "Research" in the name. Maybe it should be SPRI? My rant for today, held over from Friday the 13th. Jones
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