Jones Beene <> wrote:

> The Rossi E-Cat is an advanced but unproved energy device which has been
> publicly replicated by no reliable laboratory, and exists because a small
> number of humans working on similar projects have chosen to believe in its
> legitimacy.

There are FAR better reasons for believing the E-Cat than this! It has been
tested independently when Rossi was on another continent. Those tests have
not been published but I have seen the results. The heater in the factory
was also tested.

The latest version was tested again by the people from ELFORSK, using their
own instruments, with a time lapse video camera set up to ensure that Rossi
did not interfere. This is better proof than most cold fusion laboratories
provide. It is much better proof than, say, Mills has provided.

Replication may be the best method to confirm a claim, but it is not the
only method. Independent verification by experts is also valid.

No one has "chosen" to believe in anything. We have good evidence from
three sets of tests performed by the ELFORSK people. In the first test, the
steel cylinder melted. There is no way the electric power from the mains
could have done that.

In any case, you cannot "choose" to believe something. Belief is not
voluntary. Your mind compels belief, or it doesn't. You can be biased. You
can engage in wishful thinking. But you still have no control over the
conclusion you reach. Wishful thinking leads to a delusion, but delusion is
not voluntary either. You cannot willfully put it aside. That is why
religious concepts such as Pascal's wager are illogical. No matter how hard
you try, you cannot compel yourself to believe that God exists, or that the
E-Cat is working, or that 2 + 2 = 5.

I agree that the BitCoin, confidence in the market, faith in the money
supply, and various other economic phantasmagoria are more psychological
than real. They are more like women's fashion statements than science.

- Jed

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