Here is one statement from the article that is certainly right, although probably for the wrong reasons:

"The DOE will only acknowledge that its decision to re-examine cold fusion is in part based on national security concerns."

I would love to know who said that, and what they had in mind. I expect they were thinking about tritium or other nuclear effects. Actually, CF does have immense national security implications, but they have nothing to do with nuclear weapons. A nation equipped with CF technology, in ordinary workaday machines such as trucks, aircraft, radios and refrigerators, would have immense military power compared to nations equipped only with fossil fuel energy. A nation with a few thousand CF powered aircraft, ships, cruise missiles, torpedoes, and surveillance aircraft and spacecraft could crush the entire U.S. military overnight. The fight would be as lopsided as the U.S. naval victory over Spain in 1898, or the British Opium War in 1848.

- Jed

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