Regarding the use of cold fusion as a weapon, Martin Fleischmann has expressed concerns about this in the past, but he recently told me he thought the Popular Mechanics cover illustration was "excessive." He said: "There is, of course, a connection between "Cold Fusion" and the National Security implications but I doubt very much whether the article in 'Popular Mechanics' could contribute to this topic."

Actually, I welcome any mention of cold fusion, in any context, in any newspaper or journal up to and including The National Inquirer. You never know what might result in greater public interest.

Keith Nagel writes:

> > someone sent me a translation of a Chinese (Taiwan) patent
> > application which contained text, almost word-for-word,
> > coming apparently from some previous speculation sent to vortex.
> This is an incredible claim; if true a serious public shaming
> is in order. Post the application # and vort. text to a separate
> thread and I'll prepare the tar and feathers (grin). The least
> we can do is torpedo his application.

That does not seem like a good idea. If someone can profit from the ideas posted here, that would be a good thing. If the gadget succeeds commercially, sooner or later someone will uncover the origin of the idea, and the patent will be rescinded. That might even make the news, which would be excellent publicity for this forum. So let us wait until whoever it is makes his first hundred million TWD (Taiwan New Dollars).

Maybe we can extort some money out of the fellow, in exchange for selectively erasing the archives.

- Jed

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