There are many articles found on Googling "Isomeric Transitions" that show
how Aneutronic-Gammaless Cold Fusion "Heat" can occur:
"The K-conversion line of the 1.06-Mev isomeric transition following the electron-capture decay of Bi207 is suggested as a useful energy standard for beta-spectroscopy. While the 50-year half-life and 10 percent conversion coefficient are comparable to Cs137, the 60 percent higher energy, larger percentage K to L momentum separation, and the possibility of making thin and more uniform sources may be advantageous."
IOW, there is a "settling time" where the formed nuclei can emit
soft x-ray or EUV radiation with a half-life of hours to days.
Thus a 24 Mev reaction such as D+D ---> 2 He-4 + 24 Mev  could take
0.66 hours to dump it's energy at 10 Kev "average" in the
condensed matter environment.
Could this be the way that "stellar burning" is actually happening??  In Chickens?  :-)

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