Jones Beene Posted;

The following is an evolution of ideas towards the
design of a state-of-the-art LENR experiment. The
purpose here is to explain an enhancement called
ětriple coherency,

You raise a number of issues that I don't understand Jones.

It is hoped and suspected that this ětriple coherencyî
(overlapping coherency between photon, phonon, and
conduction electrons)

I assume that conduction electrons are the outer most of the electron. I'm wondering what photon and phonon electrons are.

will give the same kind of
paradigm shift that arises in light itself, once it
becomes phase locked, as in a laser.

paradigm shift? I though that was something that happened in mind when I understood a new way of explaining a phenomena.

coherency would work, one should understand the interplay of kinetic vibration with mass: and the

I've enjoyed the various posts on the nature of the electrons cloud particularly the pancaking effect and the Frenkel defects. I downloaded a paper on the subject. It showed circles which I assume were the nucleus and curved triangles extending outward from them. The triangles intersected, and there was a note that the electron positions weren't centered over either nucleus, I assume that this is were the Frenkel defects occur in a crystal. I assume that as you increase the speed of an atom the electron cloud flattens out, is this correct?

The other thing that interests me is tunneling. I assume that this is the quantum tunneling that the webmaster of Singularity Technologies was talking about. The question I have is how is this initiated? I assume that it is more difficult than two particles having the same De Borglie wave length.

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