At 5:41 PM 12/7/4, John Fields wrote:
>>The real beauty of your idea (is it original?)
>As far as I know, it is.  The lightbulb going off was due to something
>of Fred Sparber's or Frank Znidarsik's (sp?) that I read a few years
>ago on vortex,  and since then I've been looking but haven't been able
>to find anything quite like it.  A month or so ago I talked to Hal
>Puthoff about it and he also thought it was novel, so maybe it is.

You may want to check out the thread: "Qball: Electrostatic Sphere Field
Evaluator". A sample post late in the thread follows below.  I wrote (and
posted) a basic program to integrate the effects of a spherical
distribution of charge, and sample data.  We learned a few things from the
exercise if you recall...

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At 10:27 AM 6/19/3, Horace Heffner wrote:
>At 9:58 AM 6/19/3, John Fields wrote:
>>Yes, I agree.  However, the equipotential surfaces look like infinitely
>>thin nested spherical shells surrounding an undisturbed charged
>>particle, and my analogy merely picked a balloon to represent a
>>particular potential.  Bringing two otherwise undisturbed charged
>>particles together, then, should create a region between them (a plane
>>perpendicular to a line drawn between the charges and extending to
>>infinity) where the potential between them is equal and diminishes as
>>the distance from the line drawn between their centers increases.  Place
>>a third charged particle on this plane where the line intersects it and
>>it should stay there; place it anywhere else on the plane and it will go
>>zooming off, but will be confined to the plane.
>Note, however, that the force outward in the plane lying between them is
>smaller than if both charges were located at their midpoint.  Their
>effectiveness is in effect diluted by their separation 2*r.  Their
>effectiveness will be further diluted if we place two more charges in the
>central plain in another axis.  At any point outside the central plain,
>these extra charges lying on the plain *repel* the test charge away from
>the plain to some degree.  The centering force is reduced.  There are
>still channels of confinement, but the field magnitudes in every channel
>is reduced with the increasing adding of charges.  As the number of
>channels is increased, the field strength in each channel is reduced.
>However, understanding this slight reduction is only half the intuition
>problem.  The fact that the channel strengh is reduced does not in itself
>guarantee that it goes to zero.  In fact, I think as long as the number of
>points if finite, as you add more charge points, each with fixed charge Q,
>there will always exist channels of confinement and repelling channels.
>What was surprising to me was the comparatively large magnitude of the
>fields in these channels when the uniformity of the distribution is only
>fraction of a percent off.  This was not intuitive to me.  But let's get
>on with finding out why this analogy fails in the limit ...
>>Why?  Construct two planes parallel to the plane centered between the
>>charges and cutting the centers of the charges, and insert a charge
>>anywhere in the region bounded by the outer planes.  What do you think
>>will happen?  I think the inserted charge will be repelled by the charge
>>closest to it until it crosses the central plane, then be repelled by
>>the particle now closest to it and will thereafter be shepherded by both
>>charges until its oscillations are damped to the point where it can be
>>effectively considered to be confined to the central plane.
>Let's ignore the details about the above and assume it is completely
>correct with the caveat's I already noted above.
>>Of course no analogy is perfect, but that's what mine was about.
>I think this analogy is very good except for consideration of charge
>dilution.  To meet the criteria of the original problem we must assume
>that a fixed charge is distributed around the sphere.  We have a charge
>density Q/A = rho.  We have a fixed charge on the spherical shell, and a
>fixed area A in which the charge is (or in our case is to be) distributed.
>Note that we can not assume an infinite charge density, or we have a
>discontinuity, and all logic it would seem falls apart - but we can deal
>with that also by solving finite rho and then summing on finite rho's to
>I think what you have intuitively shown is that when the charge Q is
>distributed around a finite number of points, there will be volumes
>containing confining fields separated by volumes of repelling fields.
>These volumes are in the form of "channels".
>The maximum field strength in these channels is diluted by the fact the
>charges are separated from each other by distance 2*r, and by the fact
>that addition of more charge Q around the sphere adds more channels but
>reduces the fields in each of the channels.  There is one other major
>dilution factor to considered.
>In your analogy, you keep adding more point charges.  This is a false
>analogy in that the final charge Q aroud the sphere must be Q, a fixed
>value.  As you add charge points in your scenario, the charge in Q_i each
>point must be diminshed.  This is an error I made and then discovered and
>corrected between runs 2, and runs 3 of Qball.  Runs 1-2 keep adding
>charge as the number of points is increased.  Runs 3-5 in effect keep the
>total charge on the sphere constant.  In runs 3-5 you can clearly see the
>field intensity drop across the entire sphere interior as the number of
>points goes up, the average charge separation distance goes down.
>Now to try to see if we can intuit why the field intensites go to zero as
>the number of charge location points goes to infinity.  Let's imagine an
>initial state of N charge points spread around sphere in an approximately
>grid like fashion (this is technically not feasible on a sphere, but we
>are only approximating, and in fact the Qball program roughly does this,
>except the "rectangles" are mostly parallelograms.)  The maximum field
>stength in any channel is Emax.  The charge Q_i distributed at each point
>is Q/N.
>At each step j that follows, we double the number of points to 2*N, and
>distribute the new points in the centers of the old rectangles (or
>parallelograms.)  We have thus doubled the number of channels and very
>slightly reduced the channel fields.  However, we must now divide all the
>field strengths by 2.  Emax_j <= Emax_(j-1)/2.  Therefore E_max -> 0 as
>j-> inf.  That division of charge at each point by 2 must be done to make
>the final total charge distributed around the sphere constant at Q.   At
>each step j, we diminish the channel field strength by (1/2)^j.  Since lim
>j->0 (1/2)^j = 0, the channel field strengths all go to zero.
>Now let's attempt to look at your initial problem of the bubble universe
>and an infinitely dense surrounding.  The confinement force is now an
>expansion force, due to gravity being attractive, but all else is really
>the same, except for dealing with the infinite nature of the infinitely
>dense volume outside the bubble. To begin this we can examine a single
>shell, but only a finite portion of mass m in the shell, uniformly
>distributed.  This gives us a finite mass density in the shell.  Such a
>shell has zero force inside it, as we saw earier.  We can now sum
>(integrate) an infinite number of such shells, all of the same fixed
>radius, each having mass m, so that the total mass in the resulting shell
>is infinite.  Since the force of each shell everywhere is zero, the same
>is true of the final infinite sum.  We can then sum (integrate) the shells
>at every radius r, with r-> inf. Since the force inside every shell is
>everywhere zero, this must be true inthe final sum.  There is thus no
>force of gravity exerted by the external volume on the universe.
>Of ourse one tiny change in density out in that infinitely dense volume ...


Horace Heffner          

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