Back in the days of the CompuServe forums, where some of us met, this evolution versus creationism argument came up. Whilst I think microevolution is obvious (legs getting longer, camouflage getting more effective etc) I am not so sure about the giant leaps. Back then the eye was brought up as an example of a complex structure and people purported to show how it could have evolved in mini steps. I believed them! However, I posted one example that has always bothered me, to whit the process of butterfly metamorphosis. Inside the chrysalis, the body of the caterpillar breaks down almost completely and reforms into something very different and, on the face of it, more complex. I could never see that this process could evolve in small steps that were evolutionarily advantageous at each stage. The only response I got was hand waving from some boy wonder science geek who said that evolution has been proved as a theory therefore metamorphosis must have evolved (without actually suggesting how)!

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