--- Terry Blanton  wrote:
> > ... if for instance deuterinos are forming more
rapidly than hydrinos under the  same circumstances...
> Why?  Is there reason to believe that the 1/n 
transition energy is different from 27.2 eV for

Good question. There is the possible issue of 'charge
shielding' in the D nucleus due to the neutron... but
I'm sure you wouldn't let that one slide, as the net
effect of that would logically seem to hinder a
tighter orbital, rather than create it, right?

One is left to speculate that IF deuterinos form more
rapidly than hydrinos under the  same circumstances
(definitely unproven but there are some tantalizing
hints), it might involve a situation where the neutron
participates by simply creating an irreversible
instability in electron orbital spin... 

...plus the neutron "contains" an electronium
antineutrino (at least one comes out on decay) and
this beast may not be quantized, or if it is, the
energy steps are so small that it may be able to drain
energy away from an ellipitical electron in small
multiples - those which coincide with what the drop in
the electron's angular momentum will accommodate -
multiples of either 3.4 eV or 6.8 eV perhaps... there
is very little evidence in the spectroscopy charts for
the "full" 27.2 eV. Mills' own graphs show thousands
of times more photons in these lower UV ranges, but he
is always claiming "downshifting" is the culprit ... I
don't buy that. OTOH he is the genius who "ought" to
know ;-)

I have long believed that the hydrino/deuterino
"shrinkage" itself is probably endothermic, and that
any "net" exotherm in NOT guaranteed but will depend
on other circumstances which must operate in consort
with the shrinkage... such as "pumping" from Dirac's
sea ... for instance. BTW That is how Nick could have
lots of deuterinos forming and binding to the K ions
but yet little real excess energy... until he
"harvests" his crop...that is.


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