Re: ionizing radiationThomas Malloy wrote:

Actually the longer the wavelength, the greater the penetrating power.
Cosmic rays penetrate because the are particles, not EM radiation.  The
shorter wavelengths have a stronger effect because they carry more energy.

Mike Carrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: [blank quote what follows I did not
write - MC]

Are you sure that they are particles? I've always assumed that they were
photons which behaved as both particles and waves, but you know what happens
when you assume, Once I determine what frequencies I'm dealing with, I can
get the Tempest protocols and read them.

MC: There is confusion here. In a general sense, our whole solid 'reality'
is a kind of electromagnetic system that is opaque to some wavelengths and
transparent to others. It depends on the frequency or wavelength of the
incident radiation and the nature of the material irradiated. In a general
sense, 'particles' are also 'waves' so one can assign a wavelength or energy
equivalence to a particle. I was once driving with my wife and noting that
AM radio would be blocked by some tunnels or roverpasses that would admit FM
signals. after some technical pontificating on my part, she summarixed byu
saying the AM waves were too big to get into the tunnest and the FM waves
were small enough, which was essentially what I was saying.

MC: In my metaphor about regarding EM radiation as a liquid or gas getting
out of a box, that was a simple way of saying that any discontinuity in the
shielding of a Faraday cage can function as an antenna and allow some slight
radiation to escape. It takes real know-how to control this if you are
serious about it.

MC: As far as getting the Tempest protocols, these are government classified
documents and unless you have a real need to know and suitable clearances
you will not get them. This is serious buisiness.

Mike Carrell

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