I think the discussion between Horace and I on the mechanics behind magnetism has an application here.  As Horace pointed out to me, Jefimenko has shown how the magnetic field of a moving charge is due to the retardation of the electric field do to signal speed (electrical dopplering).  This would imply that there is no way to manifest a magnetic monopole because a stationary magnetic field does not exist.
As for time reversal, the time-reversed component is the same as the time-forward component.  Observing a time-reversed photon is simply looking at the time forward photon in reverse (like running a video backwards).  You are not following a photon traveling backwards in time, you are backtracking the photon that has already passed. 

thomas malloy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I read the book Laser Propulsion,LP, by Unitel-areospace. While I
read the words, much of what the author says makes no sense to me. So
I've decided to go through it one page at a time and see what
comments I get.

I've heard about magnetic monopoles for some time. They make a great
theory, but I've yet to understand to get one to manifest itself The
book says that a proton sets up an electric field when it is
motionless, does that ever occur? and that when it is in motion it
sets up a magnetic field in three dimensions. A monopole, OTOH,
creates a magnetic field when stationary and an electric field when
in motion.

Then there is the matter of time reversal. The drawing show two loops
of wire above one another. A + charged particle is shown moving in
between them. When moving between the two loops, the path of the
p! article is reversed with the reversal of the current direction. The
second drawing shows four monopoles above and below. When the +
charged particle moves through them it's path is a mirror image.

If I could move waves or particles in reverse time, then I could
transmit information. Tomorrow's winning lottery numbers for instance.

In a telephone conversation with the author, he said that photons
have two components, one time forward, the other time reversed. I
suppose the problem is separating them.

Magickal Engineer and Technical Metaphysicist

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