seriously, i was calling cnn for a bloody hour trying to tell someone.
 im on, and we had someone find the doll about 6 minutes
after ap broke the story.  we were laughing our guts out as all the
news sources started carrying it, and then the freepers started
talking about glass parking lots, and the demunderground people
started talking about this is what we get for abughraib, and it was
all over a DOLL.  that was a gutbuster.

On Wed, 02 Feb 2005 15:12:48 -0500, Jed Rothwell
> I love it! See:
> "So-called U.S. hostage appears to be toy"
> - Jed

Fairy tales are more than true: not because 
they tell us that dragons exist, but because 
they tell us that dragons can be beaten. 
-G.K. Chesterton

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