At 03:01 pm 09-02-05 -0900, you wrote:
>At 1:25 PM 2/9/5, Terry Blanton wrote:
>>Clusters of Aluminum Atoms Found to Have Properties of
>>Other Elements Reveal a New Form of Chemistry
>>13 January 2005’ÄîA research team has discovered
>>clusters of aluminum atoms that have chemical
>>properties similar to single atoms of metallic and
>>nonmetallic elements
>Given that aluminum nanopowders are used in solid rocket fuels and
>explosives, could it be possible that aluminum nanopowders absorbed into
>the body can act like a wide variety of toxins, while not being readily
>detectable as such?  Might there be a relation to Desert Storm Syndrome?
>One also has to wonder about the possibility of nano-cluster formation in
>the body when aluminum compound containing food, like some baking powders,
>acidic food in aluminum cans, food in containers with aluminum foil tops,
>food in plastic containers that are aluminized on the inside, or pickles
>containing alum, is consumed.
>Horace Heffner 

Whilst on the subject of "clusters" it occurs to me that since 
there seems to be a whole new discipline of inorganic cluster
chemistry out there waiting to be discovered, there may also be
a whole new discipline of hydroic chemistry also waiting to be

On his excellent website Professor Chaplin describes some of these
clusters; and the power laws for water and water vapour strongly 
suggest the these clusters comprise a self similar hierarchy as 
outlined in Buchanan's very readable book, UBIQUITY.

Though I hate to admit it, maybe my harp playing Spanish 
daughter-in-law is not quite so daft as I imagine by 
believing in Homeopathy. 

It appears I might have hoisted myself on my own petard. 8-(


Frank Grimer

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