Thanks Ed for posting the Bill Bonner writing on Greenspan.
Don Rumsfield recently commented on the US Govt debt.. saying.. " deficits don't matter".
He is correct.. they don't matter........ anymore!   Anybody that don't see the huge chasm in the middle of the road about June of this year is blind and lying to himself.
The hoard of cash and credit made available ( in lieu of hard work) has spun the world in ever increasing speeds where no one dare try to change because it could bring the house of cards down.. so the name of the game is " keep the balloon up"
The world banks thought they could win at monolopy by printing their own money. (Rothschild said once ..he didnt care who ran the Government as long as he ran the bank.) ( which ultimately dictates to the Government as the Chinese are learning)
What do the bankers win??
They win play money because thats whats its actually worth when the game ends.. It used to be that the winner of the game of monolopy had to put all the play money, the hotels, cards and dice back in the box before bedtime.
What to you bet they don't ! They will leave it to the losers to put the game back in the box, complaining of what rotten losers we are.
Brings to mind Geo. Washington's departing speech.. "beware of foriegn entanglements".  W is a "Yalie".       Not even a Yalie can get himself out of this mess and Yalies are known to be able to wiggle out of almost anything.

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