Taleyarkhan has been doing cavitation experiments for over thirty years, Jed.
Am Donnerstag, 17. Februar 2005 16:47 schrieb Jed Rothwell:
> [It is absurd that these people think a claim can be disproved with a
> single experiment! And if they do not really believe that, they should not
> say it, because people viewing the television will believe them. - JR]
> Horizon
> Thu 17 Feb, 9:00 pm - 9:50 pm  50mins (BBC2)
> An Experiment to Save the World
> Horizon takes one of the most controversial and ambitious claims in
> science, and conducts an experiment to see if it's really true. If the
> experiment works, then the world could be on the way to a new form of
> cheap, unlimited, pollution free energy. But if it fails, then that dream
> will die. The experiment is an attempt to make nuclear fusion, one of the
> Holy Grails of science.
> Nuclear fusion is the process that powers the sun, and scientists know that
> if they could just make fusion happen here on Earth, they could solve all
> the world's energy problems. Billions of pounds have been spent, but so far
> nuclear fusion has failed to deliver.
> Now an American scientist claims to have created nuclear fusion simply by
> bombarding a flask of liquid with sound waves. His work has been published
> in Science Magazine, one of the most prestigious journals in the world. But
> many scientists refuse to believe his claims.
> Horizon attempts to sort the matter out once and for all; we've
> commissioned a team of world class scientists to try and replicate Rusi
> Taleyarkhan's experiment. This film reveals the result of that experiment.
> [With audio description]
> Subtitles   Stereo  Widescreen
> Website:

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