----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Michael Huffman"

> Actually, I think that I am confusing Taleyarkhan with an
earlier researcher   with a similar name.  I did a quick
Google, and came up with a paper at:


Hey, along similar more recent lines and threads <G> there
is an interesting finding, at the end of this paper,

"Tritium activity increases only in chilled ( 0°C) cavitated
C3D6O, coupled with evidence for neutron emissions in
chilled cavitated

Hmmm... tritium activity increasing in chilled acetone near
the freeaing point of D2O.  What could that mean? Was D2O
present at all?

It appears that acetone melts at ?94.8°C so this is not
likely to involve the same "brittle mechanical failure"
mechanism of explosive ice, or is it? At any rate, when
hydrogen (or deuterium) bonds fail catastrophically in an
explosive failure, atoms do get accelerated to keV energies,
thus the x-rays seen in exploding-ice. One can interpret the
implications of the Fateev experiments, cited earlier,  in
many ways to suit their personal agenda, but one cannot deny
that  x-rays do result from this mechanical failure. Indeed
Bridgman showed the same thing with may types of brittle

The Fusor of Miley Hull etc. has demonstrated rather
conclusively that head-on D fusion of the "warm" ICF variety
requires a minimum of 10 keV per particle. Unlike Ed, I do
not agree that this is necessarily the same as hot plasma
fusion, even though the fusion products may be the same.
There could just be an under-appreciated resonance at 10-25
keV range. BTW the rock-solid Fusor results of R. Hull seem
to show that there is no net advantage, perhaps a nerative
return of energy, of going much beyond 25 keV per particle
in energy in the Fusor, so this is not "exactly" the same as
hot fusion, even though the ash is the same, confusion of

Is it possible that "bubble fusion" is not about bubble
*collapse,* necessarily but about the pulling apart of
hydrogen bonds in bubble *formation* at the point where the
bonds normally would start to stiffen, due to decreasing
temperature? IOW when a deuterium bond is at zero-C at
ambient pressure, and that pressure is suddenly removed,
prior to cavitation in the formation of the bubble; then the
"effective temperature" drops signicantly for those bonds.
The bonds will tend to realign to the new angle (the angle
they assume in the solid, which is different than the
bond-angle of the liquid), and the Casimir force will wrench
some small proportion of bare deuterons away in a brittle
mechanical failure.

What happens next is anybody's guess.

Of course, wouldn't it be delightful, for other reasons, to
learn that there was some heavy water in the acetone. Some
fringe observers might then claim that D2O is the active
medium... but even if not... Wonder what happens when you
get the acetone temperature down closer to the f.p.?

They aren't telling, for whatever reason, but the thought
surely crossed their collective minds during the experiment,
since they already found positive results going lower...
maybe Knuke knows what happens at lower temperatures, yet ?


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