Hi Ed,

you write:
>Granted this is a sign of failure.   However, we are not using fear, 
>only embarrassment, at least with respect to the DOE.  The population 
>needs to realize the advantages of CF.  The fear only comes if the 
>advantages are ignored, in the same manner death comes if the advantages 
>of medicine are ignored.

I was responding more to Frank Grimers suggestions; as far
as I have seen so far you and Jed are dabbling in populism,
in particular the sort of victimhood politics which previously
were the domain of the left and are now the dominant domain
of the right. I say this in a descriptive fashion, please don't
take offense here. I don't think we can get very far on
this issue without talking about things in a way which will
repulse and disgust most rational people. So as it applies
here, the DOE is the big bad government monster, and Mel
is the poor downtrodden victimized scientist. That's the
frame you're using, yes?

>Tell me Keith, how does one go about seducing the DOE?  My experience 
>with the government is that it is immune to seduction.  It can be 
>bought, it can be threatened by popular pressure, or it can be 
>embarrassed.  Otherwise, it does what current attitudes dictate.

That's what most men think about women, which is why it
always shocks them when the wife/girlfriend runs off
with the personal trainer.

That said, I was under the impression that the DOE was a dead issue at this 

RC seems to be leaning towards Houston money people
( wouldn't you love to be a fly on the wall when he
tries to convince them to donate money to a California
liberal arts college professor to do work that will undermine the
petroleum industry? More power to you RC, if you can
sell them on this I'll personally fly to Texas just
to shake the hand of such a master salesman ). 

Everyone else seems to be leaning towards populist methods.

As regards the seduction approach, you've got the wrong
poster boy for starters. Read that post I did a few days
ago about my Soho gallery experience, it was easy to pick
out the artist, she was the most gorgeous girl in the
room. Hardly an accident. I'll be really crass and say,
why don't you get a hold of this person


as the public face of your effort. I can at
least say that if you do an internet begging site as John suggests
you'll get far more donations from that photo
than from this one...


Feeling oily yet? It only gets worse my friend...

>If China gets CF before we do, we are toast.  Also, China is not a 
>pleasant place to work, being very polluted.

Why? Who do you think will be manufacturing the CF
devices? The manufacturing base in this country is
long gone. We'll be buying it from them no matter how
things play out. In fact, the patent situation being
what it is, we're already precluded from commercial
success here in America. I mean, if all that business
with the DOE wasn't about trying to change things
at the USPTO, then what was it?


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