wow.  grimer.  can we not see political bias just oozing from every
pore?  please, keep that off of here.

On Fri, 4 Mar 2005 02:56:06 -0600, thomas malloy
> Grimer posted;
> >Why not develop a computer game in which you
> >first have to kidnap various scientists such
> >as Dr Bones and Professor Fleshman and then
> >"persuade" them using various macabre instruments
> Don't forget the evil Dr. Park, attempting to protect the
> establishment at all costs.
> >I'm sure it would have immense appeal amongst
> >Bart Simpsonesque teenagers who want to needle
> >their irritatingly PC bleeding heart liberal
> >parents.
> Ah, if one could just figure out how to part the little darlings from
> their parent's money.
> >For the younger children you could be politically
> >correct and have Sonic the Hedgehog fighting
> >Doctor Robotnik.  Once Robotnik was a scientist
> This whole thing sounds like a pipe dream if ever I heard one.
> >
> >Banning would certainly bring the whole subject to
> >public attention and probably make the writers a
> >shedfull of money.
> Perhaps it might even get us an interview on NPR.

"Monsieur l'abbé, I detest what you write, but I would give my life to
make it possible for you to continue to write"  Voltaire

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