Jones Beene posted;

<<G>> On a lighter note, does writing about silicides mean that one has a silly-side, and/or does a silicide-joke cause one to laugh to death?

Who says that scientists don't have a sense of humor?

Given what it costs to drill such a well, $5 gas
equivalent seems
about right. I fail to see what economics has to do with

Besides tithing, you mean? I suppose it has to do with using
the Church as a silent partner,

The tithe only applies to farmers in the land of Israel. However we do have an obligation to G-d to support the teachers who feed us with his word.

just as the Fascists and
Nazis used the Catholic church, in order to rally voters
into re-electing your candidate -

Equating any part of the Christian church with the Nazis who were pagans is quite disingenuous.

 which is what has happened
here recently due to the neo-cons, who have somehow
conveniently forgotten that the main part of conservatism is
economic conservatism.

I agree with the last part, however we are in a civilizational war with the forces of another god who wants to convert or destroy us. deficits are part of making war.

....which means that Bill Clinton is really the only true economic conservative in post-war America, being the only President to deliver large budget surpluses and lower the nation debt.

His balanced budget was the result of an economic bubble. You haven't forgotten the Internet bubble, I assume? Clinton also cut budgets for the military and intelligence, which are part of today's budget deficits.

And BTW, as mentioned before, I am not a Democrat; and furthermore, if you are a voting conservative and under 40 years of age, there is absolutely no doubt that I have voted for more Republicans than you have, although very few since Reagan, which is about the time that the neo-con anti-fiscal-conservatives hi-jacked the party under the sickening guise of moral duty, and handed it over completely to oil interests and fundamnetalist-ass-kissing spin-doctors.

Until recently I voted Libertarian or Independent. W has merely slowed down the march to Socialism. When given a choice, he steers left more often than right. We Evangelicals see W's election as the will of G-d.

But the case can be made that the Democrat Party lost because it has abandoned it's core by moving way to the left. Algore would have won if he would have carried his home state, but no, he wanted to suck up to the east coast liberals. Senator Flipflop might have won if he hadn't alienated his fellow Vietnam Veterans with his traitorous antics with the VVAW. The man was only consistent on one thing, continuing the infanticide and calling it choice.

When your car's tank is empty, you're just glad that you
can fill it
up again.

...until the glaciers start to melt in a "runaway" mode, costal cities start to flood, artic species literally choke to death from methane poisoning, all in about 2026 or before, and by then there is little prospect of reversing the trend.

Yawn, I live on a hill. I have mentioned the rocks which are hitting the Sun and the volcanos under the ocean, IMHO, they are contributing way more to warming than our collective tail pipe emissions. Some thing is warming up the bottom of the oceans, and I don't think it's the Sun.

Given inflation, $2 gasoline is the equivalent of 20¢
gasoline in 1960.

It is a little disingenuous to state things like this when
any real economist not on the administration payroll, will
tell you that the only thing that has pushed inflation IS
oil prices.

There has been a times 10 inflation in cars and houses. I can't make a living if I can't drive. No work, no eat.

Thast is, since the late sixties when the
petro-mafia helped found OPEC, because they knew they would
benefit even more than the Arabs. IOW everything else in the
US economy,

Nonsense, OPEC controls the raw material. There is plenty more oil, it's just going to cost lots of money to get it.

because of productivity increase, would cost the
same or less now as it did in '67-68 had not it been for the
single item: oil prices (and the money supply, of course,
but that increase itself can be traced directly to oil

Oil prices are a symptom of demand and supply. There are many factors driving inflation, chief among them is the increasing size of government and it's handmaidens the trial lawyers. Fuel prices have just kept up with inflation in general.

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