Richard posted;

and Keith Nagel continued;

With all due respect, you're sounding like that fellow Horgan we we discussing earlier in the week, who believes that all science has been done and nothing new will be discovered.

I'm reminded of the question of Chi. IMHO, it is the fifth great force in the universe. We have no understanding of what it is. My hot button that Parksie regularly pushes is Energy Medicine in general and Homeopathy in particular. I believe that the two phenomena are related.

Then there is the matter of cold spots. Our local CBS affiliate plays Unexplained Mysteries on Sunday night. A frequent topic of discussion are ghosts. The investigators go into the house with the reported phenomena with a thermal imaging camera. The video shows a zone of low temperature. We are clueless as to the nature of the entity that is producing the phenomena.

A similar effect has been associated with the Newman Motor. While wouldn't invest a nickle in Newman that I wasn't prepared to loose, a reputable investigator, Roger Hastings observed the cooling of the room.

I could go on, but this in enough. There are plenty of interesting phenomena that we don't understand, and are worth investigating.

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