let me clarify.  i dont belive in delusion.  your personal reality is
how you perceive things, therefore delusion is impossible.  but hed be
classified that way by a shrink.  i mean, he thinks that the majority
of liberals are rich college students who think all conservatives are
backwoods rednecks.  when, go figure, 60 percent of liberals earn less
than 20k a year, usually in blue collar jobs, compared to about 40
percent of conservatives.  and the average income of registered repubs
is about triple the average income of registered dems.  his speech is
full of simple falsehood like that.  and the racism was a bit much as

On Apr 1, 2005 6:57 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello Thomas,
> Hello Leak,
> Like many in Vortex-l I read your recent comments. It's not clear to me 
> whether the two of you were having a private debate, a discussion that 
> eventually blundered its way into the public annals of vortex or not. I will 
> only suggest that, in my view, it is a serious breach of trust between two 
> individuals when private conversations suddenly find their way into a public 
> forum without mutual prior consent. I'm not sure if this really happened 
> between the two of you or not, but I have my concerns.
> To Leak:
> I personally don't think Thomas is delusional even though I could understand 
> why you might think so.
> To Thomas:
> Your views have been quite an educational experience for me. I continue to 
> thank you giving me this precious and unique opportunity to acquire a better 
> understanding of your perception of reality.
> I have a brief comment.
> You recently stated:
> >As a continuation of the will of god thread, I sent
> >Leaking Pen a three page discussion on the differences
> >in world views of liberals and conservatives. I'm
> >rather proud of my writing, and would be pleased to
> >forward it to any Vortexians who are interested."
> Pride is unbecoming of you. I would have thought that your religion would 
> have already brought this sin to your attention:
> See http://deadlysins.com/sins/
> But more to the point, Thomas, who are you really trying to convince?
> Regards,
> Steven Vincent Johnson
> OrionWorks.com

"Monsieur l'abbé, I detest what you write, but I would give my life to
make it possible for you to continue to write"  Voltaire

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