
OK, this is getting a little "crazy-go-nuts."

1. Margaret Sanger was responsible for some good, yes.
She was also crazy. Not the kind of person I would
want to spend much time with. Very pro-eugenics. If
you support that, then congratulations, go build
yourself a private Gattaca. Leave me the hell out of

2. I am not pro-abortion for a few reasons.
A: It does nothing to encourage people to stop the
numerous "meet and f**k" flings.
B: I wouldn't know if I was destroying someone who
might be something very important one day.
C: I do not have to be pro-abortion just because you
say so. So many people have tried to force me to be
pro-abortion that I am now totally against it mainly
in defiance of those who would control my thinking.

3. A religious person really really must have made you
mad once, Jed? It is fine by me if you are
anti-religion, do what you want to. But if you want to
try and say you and the anti-religionists are better
than anyone who has a religion, or worse force your
views on them via legislature, well, kindly knock the
hell off. You know, if we are supposed to be so
pro-women-liberation in other countries, so
pro-freedom, so pro-lets-all-get-along-as-equals, so
pro-<insert theme of day here> then why the HELL is it
ok and dandy to hate religion? If you think I am
overreacting, then re-read your posts. They were
pretty damned irritating to me at least, and I am sure
others. Not for your opinion, that is fine. Do what
you want. But do not ever try to force it on anyone
else. By legislation or otherwise. This statement (the
last part anyways) is not directly aimed at anyone.

4. Contraception? Sure, why not. I have no problem
with this. But please, if anyone out there wants to
force the use of them on people who do NOT want to use
them, kindly take a hike. This statement is not
directly aimed at anyone.

5. Are you guys actually reading this? I don't get
many replies........

6. You know, the Pope just died. He meant alot to many
people. (I am not catholic, by the way, but I damn
sure respect them and am not going to say they are 400
years behind!) If this form of lack of respect for the
dearly departed is implicit in your atheistic-utopia
vision, then count me completely out.

7. If this continued anti-religious bias is to be
embraced and accepted, then do not EVER ask me to show
compassion towards some special interest group of to
feel sorry for Muslims who might have been
discriminated against in the days to follow September
11th. Why should one group be discriminated against
and not another?

8. DISCLAIMER!!! This is aimed at no one in
particular! (so don't take it as being aimed at you,
Jed). If there is someone who feels that the need for
population control is so severe that we need to force
people to go against their religious and/or moral
views and be forced to employ contraceptives or
abortion, then here is an alternative. If there is
someone who really wants to force that kind of control
on other people, then kindly do the following: get
yourself a gun, and shoot yourself now. You will have
accomplished what you set out to do: you have reduced
the worlds population by 1, and I guarantee you that
the cost of some contraceptives or an abortion is much
more than the cost of the gunpowder it took you to
blow yourself to hell.

There are more, but for the moment I am too pissed off
to handle them clearly. I am sorry if the tone is
extremely abrasive, I am very angry. And before you
judge me personally, keep this in mind. You don't know
me in real life, you don't know what I have been
through, you don't know who I really am. And just so
people know, I am not exactly what you would call a
religious man. You could call me a Christian, I do
believe in God, but I have my own views on things, and
lets leave it at that...if you judged me based on
seeing "that word" then you are not worth my time. But
I am also standing up in defense of the Muslims, Jews,
Buddhists, whoever.

Jed, you believe science and religion cannot coexist.
This isn't a belief, you are stating something as
fact. You are wrong in one case, at least. They
coexist just fine in the reality of my mind, if they
cannot work together for you in your reality, then
that is fine. Don't presume that just because you
can't make it work, no one else can.

Sorry if this offended anyone. But maybe it is time
those people who quietly keep getting offended
themselves say something. 


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