Terry writes:
>How can anyone doubt the obvious? 

No one doubts the obvious. The failure in Iraq however is making
it very hard to do anything about Iran. Let's tune in to todays
press conference with the folks who know...


Asked during the briefing "are we winning" the war,
Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld did not directly respond.

"The United States and the coalition forces, in my personal view,
will not be the thing that will defeat the insurgency," Rumsfeld said.

"So, therefore, winning or losing is not the issue for 'we,'
in my view, in the traditional, conventional context of using
the word 'winning' and 'losing' in a war. The people that
are going to defeat that insurgency are going to be the Iraqis."

After Rumsfeld finished, Myers interjected, "I'm going to say this:
I think we are winning, OK? I think we're definitely winning.
I think we've been winning for some time."


So, it all depends on what your definition of "winning", "losing",
and "we" is, is it? Gosh, my dictionary finger is getting sore.


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