I wouldn't be so depressed if I were you. There are plenty of us
out there doing CF research with very encouraging results who are
just not publishing anything until the patent situation changes.

I wish everyone would give up on the electrolysis work.  I think
it's just an interesting dead end.  No way to scale it up


 --- On Mon 05/02, Jed Rothwell < [EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:

> These ICCF-11 papers are depressing. There are only a few experimental 
> papers. Most are reviews of old work, or papers about theory. As far as I 
> can tell, most of the theory is of the crackpot variety, and usually about 
> subjects unrelated to CF, such as "POSSIBLE NUCLEAR TRANSMUTATION OF 

> This field is dying, and I cannot think of any way to save it.

> - Jed

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