Jed Rothwell wrote:

[ ... ]

Mills is much, much better and far more credible than people like the Methernitha crowd, Greg Watson, or for that matter Correa. But he still has a wide credibility gap, and he still has not made a real effort to convince people. The last thing he told me, years ago, is that he does not want to convince people, and that he likes things the way they are.

[ ... ]

Many years ago Mills supposedly had energy producing devices which would have convinced any reasonable engineer, such as the devices he and Thermacore developed, described by Donald Ernst in 1992. Assuming those claims were not a horrible mistake, or for some reason they could not be replicated, Mills could have easily used those devices to convince the entire world that his claims are valid. I do not know what to make of the fact that he failed to do that. I am forced to conclude that:

1. Either the claims fell through for some reason I never heard about, or

2. Mills is stark-staring crazy, like most other people in over-unity energy biz.

Most perpetual motion machine salesmen are not crazy. Why credit Mills with less sanity than them?

I have heard many times that it is actually:

3. Mills is working on some ultra clever secret business scheme.

But I do not believe this, because I simply cannot imagine any business strategy...

It's not so hard, really, to imagine that there's a sensible strategy here.

Mills has investors, right? Those are people who've given him money for this. So he _is_ getting funds for it.

He has lots of interesting results but if he has anything absolutely airtight in the way of a public demonstration of something really new I must have overlooked mention of it.

He has a theory which requires throwing out QM (well tested, used every day) and starting over with a clean slate.

He has secrets which (he says) are revolutionary but which still aren't quite ready yet.

He has produced mysterious chemicals which should be revolutionary but which somehow don't seem to have revolutionized anything, or even gotten any mention anywhere outside of Vortex.

And he's been in this state for how many years? Money in, nothing out. With a theory that is very very hard to swallow, which is needed to explain results that aren't ever quite visible just yet.

Is it so hard to think of a fourth possibility? Is the emporer really wearing anything at all? Hmmm.

CF has reports of anomalous results from labs scattered all over the world, and it has hints of a plausible theory to give us a glimmer of what might be going on. BLP has tantalizing results reported by _one_ lab and an outlandish theory to explain these results which nobody else has ever achieved AFAIK.

(Sorry, I'm crabby tonight.)

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