On Tuesday 03 May 2005 12:09, Keith Nagel wrote:
> Google "Pykrete" and you'll find a wealth of information
> about this odd bit of history.
> http://www.cabinetmagazine.org/issues/7/floatingisland.php
> K.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jed Rothwell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, May 03, 2005 11:52 AM
> To: vortex-L@eskimo.com
> Subject: Re: BLP implementation path
> Standing Bear wrote:
> >Conversely, the British once fully funded studies on a
> >battleship made of ice, purely to mollify a fearful public during the
> > depths of World War II.
> I believe that was an aircraft carrier made of ice mixed with sawdust and
> or ground-up newspaper. It was to be deployed in the far north Atlantic to
> cover the "air gap" where German U-boats could operate without being
> intercepted by long-range British aircraft. It would not be a highly mobile
> aircraft carrier in the usual sense, but rather a large man-made island
> that could be towed to any location and anchored. The craft would have had
> internal freezers to replenish the ice as it melted. Ice mixed with sawdust
> is incredibly tough material. It could easily withstand a German torpedo
> strike.
> It was actually a sensible proposal, but it was no longer needed after the
> US began launching small "jeep" aircraft carriers made from converted
> freighters that carried a couple dozen aircraft. (The British called them
> "Woolworth" carriers.)
> The proposal was not put forth to mollify the public. It was top secret. It
> was pursued because it appealed to Winston Churchill.
> - Jed

It was too put forth to mollify the public.  People wanted a weapon that
magically slew the 'enemy'.  One Brit idea was the 'solid searchlight'.  You
turned your 'light' on, shined it on a plane that you hoped was not yours;
then you just 'pushed a button to solidify the beam and wanged it into the
ground'.  When asked how this solidification was to be done, the simple
answer came as if by reflex:  "Simple if the desire is there to succeed in 
the research!"....   And so it was with the Habbakuk (original mis-spelling).
Only in this case the 'public' was influential military executives desparate
for winning ideas in the face of the German juggernaut that was sinking
supply ships much too quickly for the good of the morale of the population.
The Admiralty kept it secret to be sure, but only to spare themselves
embarrassment in case of yet another fiasco. I have found that early
stories on the subject tend to give more facts and preserve the mood
surrounding the story better.  Hindsight being 20/20 tends to idealize
the victors and blur or obscure...or even omit...facts.  A good website
giving the mood of the public on the street level is:

The Admiralty gave the research over to the supervision of the Americans and
Canadians, who built a model of it secretly on Lake Patricia in Northern 
Alberta in Canada.  Another website continues:

And this reads in part:...."
                                            The Ice Ship Fiasco
                                SIR CHARLES GOODEVE, F.R.S.

ONCE during the war an inventor brought forward the novel idea of a 
searchlight that would itself bring down any aircraft caught in its beam. The 
idea was to provide the searchlight with a button which when pressed would 
solidify the beam. By rapidly turning the searchlight downwards, one could 
'wang' the aircraft on the ground.
   The incidental details as to how to solidify the beam were, according to 
the inventor, "merely matters of research and development easily solvable by 
anyone who really believed in the idea".
   Many inventions of varying degrees of absurdity, as well as some useful 
ones were put forward during the war, but none produced a dislocation of the 
Allied effort to a fraction of the extent achieved by 'Habakkuk', a proposal 
put forward by Geoffrey Pyke. He himself named this grandiose scheme after 
the prophet who said: "I will work a work in your days which ye will not 
believe, though it be told you."

                                       New 'Weapon'

   Wars had for long been fought with steel and explosives, and more recently 
with aluminium and electrons. To these was now to be added a new element of 
war, ICE.
 "Ice," it was pointed out, "was plentiful and didn't sink. Let us build large 
unsinkable aircraft carriers of ice and thus provide air cover for an attack 
on a remote and unprotected part of France. Steel limits the size of our 
carriers to tens of thousands of tons; with ice we can throw off our shackles 
and build carriers of millions of tons each.
 "Ice is plentiful! Ice is unsinkable! Ice is hard! The enemy will never 
suspect it! Ice will win the war!"

 At first the scientists and engineers working on their radar, their 
jet-propulsion, their tank-landing craft and the thousand and one other 
developments which were to be put in the hands of our fighting men, laughed. 
Ice may be hard, but it had no strength.

 Their laughter turned to alarm when they learned of the long-haired 
scientists, the admirals and generals who had been swayed by the magnetic 
personality of the inventor.

 Here was no ordinary man; this was no ordinary way to win a war.

 One scientist showed that the wave-functions of the hydrogen atoms in ice 
bore a close relation to those in concrete, and therefore it should be 
possible to make ice as strong as concrete (forgetting, of course, that 
concrete has little strength other than that of its steel reinforcement). An 
engineer who had already built an air-raid shelter offered to build the first 
   Pyke put it to Lord Mountbatten, Chief of Combined Operations, on whose 
staff he Was; Mountbatten passed it to the Chiefs of Staff who passed it to 
the War Cabinet, the War Cabinet to Churchill.
   Winston, an inventor of no mean repute himself, wrote: "Let us cut a large 
chunk of ice from the Arctic ice-cap and tow it down past Cornwall, fly on 
our aircraft, and tow it to the, point of attack." Pyke's followers were 
triumphant. "Churchill approves! The war will be won by ice! All that is left 
are merely matters of research and development easily solvable by anyone who 
really believes."
  Orders flew thick and fast, committees were set up. The voices of reason 
were shouted down by cries of "Obstruction".
  These in control of important war programmes had the Hobson's Choice of 
either fighting this absurdity or of ignoring it as far as possible, the 
objective in either case being to confine the dislocation of effort.

                                This Fantasy

  Their success was indifferent. At one stage they thought it would be a good 
idea to send the whole party to Canada, where the winter might cool its 
ardour. The Canadians were sensible people; they would get this monstrous 
fantasy under control. But ahead of the team went this message: "This was 
Canada's opportunity to play a part in history!"
   Far up in the Rocky Mountains a lake was chosen. In great secrecy, a camp 
was built and an experimental model was constructed. Hundreds of skilled 
designers were put to work all over the country designing refrigerating 
plant, remotely operated electric propulsion motors, etc., they knew not for 
what. Came the spring, and with it one conclusion from the trials; ice melts.
  Once again the voices of reason could be heard. "Ice has no strength, ice 
melts, ice is cold, the steel required to hold the ice together, to build the 
refrigerating plant, the propulsion machinery was far more than would be 
required to build conventional aircraft carriers of much more effective 
fighting power.
   "Conventional?" you say. Have you no imagination? Ice is the new element of 
   All would have been well if it hadn't happened that at this moment one of 
the many parties detailed off for research into the problems of Habakkuk 
discovered that ice could be given some strength by incorporating a large 
amount of paper-making pulp in the water before freezing.

                ----   graphic is here on the website   ----

  This cut-away section shows the design which was proposed for "Habakkuk", 
the iceberg aircraft carrier which was intended to replace aircraft carriers 
of the size of H.M.S. Illustrious. 

                                         Just Six Knots

   The frozen block did not yield easily to the hatchet, and a bullet fired at 
it went in so smoothly that the ice reformed behind it. The followers were 
elated and called this material Pykrete in honour of their leader.
   ""Pykrete," they said, "is not only unsinkable, but it is self-healing 
against bullets, bombs and torpedoes! Never mind if we have to reduce all the 
allied newspapers to letter size. We've proved that research will solve all 
our problems if the obstructors can only be got out of the way."
    Designs and plans for construction were rushed ahead. Each Habakkuk 
required 40,000 tons of cork insulation, some thousands of miles of steel 
tubing for brine circulation and reinforcement, four power stations, and 
endless additional complications, especially in the building stage, even 
before you started making it into an aircraft carrier.
   At that, the maximum Speed would only be six knots. (By leaving the ice out 
and converting the tubing to ship's plates the whole would have been able to 
go four times as fast.) .

 But there was one obstacle that even research and faith could not overcome.. 
Great Britain hadn't the resources to build even one Habakkuk.

   However, armed with blocks of Pykrete, a revolver and plenty of rounds of 
ammunition, and wave-mechanical equations of hydrogen atoms, the team 
descended on the Quebec Conference, held to decide on the plan of attack on 
the European continent. 
   Fortunately, a decision was made not to wait for Habakkuk, but to rely on 
the daring, but sound, scheme which became known as the Mulberry Harbour. 
Nevertheless, this conference of the heads of the three great States, U.K., 
U.S.A. and Canada, together with their Chiefs of Staff, decided that a 
Habakkuk should be built under the supervision of an Anglo-American-Canadian 
committee with a secretariat in the U.S. Navy offices in Washington.
   But at such high altitudes came a new discovery. Not only does ice melt, 
but it evaporates! and so did Habakkuk.

 The great three-power committee never was convened. The followers became 
dispersed or else cooked in the heat of Washington.


This is the article that I read long ago while in college and remembered when
writing this letter.  How fortunate that through the 'magic' of the internet I 
was again able to find it.  Winston did indeed want it, but the impetus came
from others and was infectuous among desparate men.    Pykrete was indeed
tough, and the admixture was not sawdust, but papermaking pulp.  Its major 
claim to fame was that it appeared self healing when
struck by projectiles.  It also took a while to melt.  Another website stated
that the model that was built on Lake Patricia took 'until the end of the next 
summer'  to melt after the project was quietly abandoned.  As noted by the 
next website:  

Sensible elements in all the allied admiralties did fight the idea that was 
only stopped by the lack of resources to built it, and by more practical

   Standing Bear

and as Paul Harvey used to say...."And Now you know the Rest of the Story!..
          Good Day!"

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