Wilf is "claiming" to have designed (but not invented) this companies particular "Revolutionary" Plasma reactor - Santilli's is NOT revolutionary but it is effective. "Mr. Ouellette is not only the designer of but has in addition spearheaded the development of the Gas Generation System" What Wilf, no patent - or didn't you need one to turn a quick profit AH?
If this reactor was provided by Santilli, and Wilf is claiming to have designed it, I will bet $100 that Santilli already has (or will within 7 days) court papers in transit for the misrepresentation and omission of the Santilli name. I don't find it funny that Wilf had no idea how my Plasma patent could possibly work, when I explained (to Wilf) in detail the operation of this New System in October of 2002, and provided the patent information. He was working with Aclade Energy in Alberta and GenOil at the time, right next to these phone numbers is his cell number.
And progress marches on in Canada while the USA sleeps peacefully, unaware of scientific developments that could improve life for our children.
Warmest Regards,
Chris Arnold

Michael Huffman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Moin Chris,

I'm sure you have probably heard of Dr. Santilli. I haven't kept up with the
latest, but the last I heard, he was doing pretty well. His website is:



Am Samstag, 21. Mai 2005 07:27 schrieb Christopher Arnold:
> What an Amazing coincidence. Team member at Fairchild International Corp.,
> Mr. Wilf Ouellette contacted me several years ago about my plasma system.
> My proposal was for Converting oil and organics into syngas. Wilf, under
> the guise of working as a consultant for an Oil Company was very interested
> in my technology.
> I bet I can even identify each component function of this Canadian Syngas
> system without any help, because the whole system looks very familiar to
> me. It looks like my proposed system, however only a look inside will tell
> for sure - but I am positive it is Plasma based.
> I am not surprised Wilf (a Canadian) believed me - the question is, when
> will my fellow Americans?
> Warmest Regards,
> Chris Arnold
> http://members.aol.com/hypercom59
> Michael Huffman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
> Moin Vorts!
> When I looked at the lineup up of technologies that they were plugging on
> that website, and where it was located, I thought that maybe it was being
> run by that guy in Canada that was building those Brown Gas machines. So...
> I hit the Contact link, and BOY was I surprised! They couldn't be related
> could they?!
> Knuke
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