Private industry takes on global swiss ski resort
at a time.

Swiss ski resort swaddles glacier to stop melting

ANDERMATT, Switzerland (AFP) May 10, 2005
A Swiss ski resort Tuesday wrapped up an entire glacier to stop it melting and 
to protect ski runs.
The protective layer covers an area of 2,500 square metres (26,910 square feet) 
of the Gurschen glacier at Andermatt in the centre
of the country, Andermatt Gotthard Sportbahnen SA which operates ski lifts said.

The initiative has been criticised by environmentalist groups which say it 
serves no purpose.

The sheet covering the glacier, situated in the canton of Uri, is 3.8 mm (0.15 
inch) thick and made of synthetic fibres which
protect the snow cover from ultraviolet radiation with the aim of preventing 
the ice from melting.

It will be removed in the autumn and put back next spring.

Over the past 15 years the glacier has receded by about 20 metres from one of 
its stations, the ski lift company said.

But the WWF environmental group said that "covering up glaciers is not going to 
solve the problem of global warming."

Only climate protection measures such as cutting back greenhouse gases are 
useful, it said in a statement.

Eight activists from the Greenpeace environmental group unfolded banners on the 
glacier overnight, calling for the protection of the
climate rather than treatment of symptoms.

The Pro Natura group attacked the ski lift company for extending its car parks 
near the lifts, saying ski resorts should improve
access by public transport.

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