This may seem like a silly question, but don't you remember multiple posts on high efficiency Plasma treatments and syngas/hydrogen production in my Plasma? Wilf Ouellette, now with Fairchild, have simply copied the US Patented plasma system that I presented to Wilf in 2002. I even went out on the limb here and called the Plasma effects Free Energy in several posts, because of the anomolus radiations, uses and unique high efficiency plasma production method.
In a post from Thomas Malloy on Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2002 11:21:27 he suggested I contact Dick Chaney and the Break Through Energy Physics Research Project, BEPR - but it seems like the only people that believed me live in Canada. Does anybody believe me now?
  • Re: What is the flashpoint? From Butch

    In a message dated 10/30/01 4:06:30 PM Central Standard Time, 
    [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
    < Chris,
     I remember reading that 5000 degrees F. was the "cracking point" for water.
     Butch LaFonte 
    Thank you Butch, 
    I knew somebody here had the answer.  I did call the fire department and the 
    chief mentioned the magnesium fire would cause repeated explosions as water 
    was applied - however he suggested calling a physics lab for possible reasons 
    for it. 
    Since my device runs on plasma anyway - a jet of water injected directly into 
    the 25,000 Plus degree Plasma would crack the water "for free" (at no 
    additional cost) - providing a cheap source of hydrogen as "another" side 
    effect of normal device operation. The electrodes are Tungsten and Platinum 
    however my patent specifically calls for "electrical conductors from the 
    group of high melting point ......" Iridium, Rhenium, Tungsten, Platinum - 
    take your pick. 
    Plasma Transmutation is not only possible, it can be done by many different 
    methods - and Jed, you were correct - right "here" in the USA. Now, what do 
    you think the metal sphere is for?

Terry Blanton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Makes methane from almost anything organic:


"The prototype model has already been successfully tested using a number of inputs including low-grade coal, wood waste and other biomass, yielding superior results with lower costs and emissions than currently available technology. The SynGas technology produces electricity and/or pipeline quality synthetic gas, as a replacement for quickly depleting natural gas and oil, at low costs, with the additional benefit of zero airborne emissions."

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