In my dotage I have decided I should 
read the Psalms at least once in my 
lifetime. I am of course familiar with 
the bits of them that occur in the mass 
and prayers like the De Profundis, etc. 
but I have never read them from one end 
to the other. Since they are fairly 
inscrutable I thought I would limit 
myself to one a day.  8-)

Today it was Psalm 107 which reads,

107:10. Moab the pot of my hope.  
Over Edom I will stretch out my shoe:
the aliens are become my friends.

I'm afraid I had to laugh at my reaction
to the last line for immediately on 
reading the word "aliens" it triggered
a vision of flying saucers and little 
green men from other planets. 

It just shows how in one's own lifetime
a word can change its primary meaning.
As a boy in WW2 the word "aliens" would
have conjoured up quite a different 
vision; one of swarthy potential spies.

Whilst on the subject of little green 
men and their transport, last night there 
was the following program on Channel 5

    Stranger Than Fiction
    Documentary following 
    men who secretly 
    designed, built and 
    piloted real flying 
    saucers. The programme 
    goes in search of 
    those craft that still 
    exist around the world, 
    hears from the people 
    who designed and flew 
    them and looks into 
    the modern-day flying 
    saucer designs.

No doubt most Vorts are familiar with 
this or similar programmes. One bit
I found particularly interesting.

An designer took a coil of quite loosely
wound copper wire, laid it on a table and 
plugged the long trailing bare ends of the 
coil into a wall mains socket.

The coil was about one foot in diameter
with a circular cross section of one and a 
half inches. I estimated the diameter of 
the varnished? wire to be about 1 mm and 
the number of turns to be 20 to 30, say.

Switching on the electricity caused the 
coil to rise and hover about 3 inches 
above the table.

I feel sure some group member can 
enlighten me as to what was going on here.


Frank Grimer

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