I agree - unlike you and others, I built functional prototypes FIRST with my own money to provide proof of this revolutionary Plasma technology. I never said I only need another $3 Million to develop something I am "speculating" over.
The problem with funding was twofold, first nobody believed I could possibly be telling the truth about any of the test results and once a few finally did believe me - they either wanted in cheap or demanded controlling interest of this most versatile and valuable discovery. The game is not over yet Goldes, I have only been searching for an honest investor for seven years now and I know there must be one somewhere.
Look closely at Wilf Ouellette of Syngas Energy in Canada at Wilf "was" going to invest until he had all the information he required - and now he is attempting to sell my cloned Plasma Reactor to Fairchild International. Wouldn't it have been wonderful "IF" my Plasma Gasification system could have gotten started right here in the USA for $1 Million - instead of in Canada where Wilf is trying to sell it for $10 Million? Fairchild International is valued at $30 Million and their sole focus is based on my Plasma Gasification proposal, as twice presented to the DOE.
Mark, you finally believe ZPE is possible and now you only need funding to explore it - wonderful, now back to my valid point which. Where are the superconductors that investors have already paid you to develop, or are you now too busy studying a "Revolutionary" ZPE idea to bother finishing the last project?
Chris Arnold

Mark Goldes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
The world energy crisis is so urgent we welcome any system that can make a

Our small firm has chosen to concentrate on ambient temperature
Ultraconductors and specific solid-state and rotary devices.

His post illustrates precisely why Chris is still looking for financing.


>From: Christopher Arnold <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: Fw: Magnetic Power device
>Date: Mon, 20 Jun 2005 12:34:28 -0700 (PDT)
>Mark Goldes "speculates" about a magnetically powered unit he's
>"attempting" to develop. Mark speculates that the energy is coming from the
>And Mark only needs a few more Angel Investors to really start making
>progress - but he refuses to mention me telling him years ago that I
>ALREADY had a testable prototype that radiated energy from the plasma. He
>was so impressed he told me to never call him again - he must have thought
>I was crazy or something, but now he is saying He has discovered ZPE.
>Mark has done OK for himself, after all he has collected about $7Million
>for the Room Temperature Superconductors without producing a marketable
>product and now he is speculating on a ZPE device that he needs even more
>money for. How about marketing the superconductors first?
>I also told Mark Goldes (years ago) that I believe superconductive wire
>coupled with my Plasma Drive might be a perfect match for producing even
>greater ZPE effects from my Patented device. What he refused to believe, he
>now desires control of - this is why scientific progress is so damn slow.
>Mark Goldes would make a seamless fit into the movie "Contact" as Dr. David
>Drumland, the man that kept sabotaging Jodi Fosters work and ends up taking
>credit for absolutely every-ones scientific discoveries - but I am not Jodi
>Foster, I still say the radiating energy is what is now called ZPE and care
>needs to be taken not to over energize the Plasma..
>Mark, don't you remember me telling you about the ZPE and Fusion effects
>being produced by the device???? Now you have discovered ZPE and you only
>need a few more $Million. Whats next Mark, Dense Plasma Focus Fusion?
>Whitney" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Noel D. Whitney"
>Sent: Monday, June 20, 2005 12:37 PM
>Subject: Re: Magnetic Power device
> > REf Yrs on mark Goldes,
> >
> > has anyone seen or conducted test on any of these pieces of Kit?
> > Or are ! we in a Stan Meyer scenario again?
> >
> > Rgds from Ireland.
> >
> > Noel Whitney - Quantum leap Ltd
> > ----- Original Message -----
> >>From: "thomas malloy"
> > To:
> > Sent: Monday, June 20, 2005 9:32 AM
> > Subject: Magnetic Power device
> >
> >
> >> In an interview given to PES, Mark Goldes speculates about a
> >> magnetically powered unit he's attempting to develop. Mark speculates
> >> that the energy is coming from the ZPE. My response is, we don't know
> >> that.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> >
> >
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