Jones, you sound upset with me for some reason.
My apologies to Richard HULL for misspelling his last name - I am getting old.
So, if you still think Hal did not see the Chernetski device - it must mean you never did look at the Hal Puthoff video where he said he did. Now I understand. Hal can't remember what he once saw and said - and I spelled Hulls name wrong which makes anything "I" say suspect. Well - OK.
Farnsworths Fusor never produced Fusion, now that's news to me as well. Wait - it was not kept secret but Hull posted "another" account of it in 2004 - but the event happened in 1960's and Fisher was told to keep quiet about it????? Not kept secret?????
Of course you are correct, it was not kept secret because the account was finally revealed AFTER FOURTY YEARS. And after keeping the whole thing quiet for 40 years - a couple guys with No Names and memory issues now say Farnsworth lied about the numbers 40 years ago but they couldn't talk about then. SO who can be believed, the guys that kept it quiet for 40 years, or a dead inventor that designed the system and was tossed out when things got interesting?
Jones - why don't you take the time to reread Hull's article about the event, the brilliant light, the neutron count and the "No Need" to report such a meaningless event. It's all there for anyone to read, whatever the real truth is after all these years - the Tokamak is the only fusion device getting funding. Hull said there was more to that story - but it looks like he is not going to talk about it any time soon - but maybe in another 40 years....

Jones Beene <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

"Richard Hall knows what happened at ITT and he also said he knows
about an "event" that occurred with the fusor that had to be kept

Like the Puthoff/Chernitskii false information, this is another
very confused and inaccurate conclusion. There was no cover-up, no
conspiracy and no fusion. Why does this "disinformation" keep
appearing on vortex? It just serves to fuel the skeptics when the
truth comes out. Please, at least take the time to look up facts
before posting this kind of crap.

Richard **Hull** not Richard Hall, does know about the so-called
"runaway event" at ITT - but it was not kept secret, instead ...
well, read for yourself:

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