I've been reading up on these anomalies.

The first interesting thing about them is, 

    "NASA scientists inadvertently 
    discovered TGFs while they were 
    monitoring bursts of gamma-ray 
    energy coming from the depths 
    of space."

The Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory was 
designed to observe the universe in 
gamma rays  Because BATSE observes in 
all directions, portions of the Earth 
are inevitably in its field of view. 
BATSE accidentally discovered the TGFs 
shortly after launch of the satellite.

    "'I ran back to all of my notebooks 
    to make sure the detectors were 
    connected correctly on the 
    satellite,' said Dr. John Horack  

    'At first, we weren't totally 
    convinced that these events 
    weren't an instrument malfunction. 
    Then we took a look at the 
    simultaneous weather images for 
    each of these events.'"

    "'What these weather images 
    revealed was that each time 
    a TGF was detected, a 
    massive thunderstorm was in 
    the same vicinity.' Because 
    TGFs seem to only occur in 
    the vicinity of large-scale 
    thunderstorms, scientists 
    believe the two phenomena 
    are somehow related.'

Bully for them!

The bit that really gets me is this,

    "It is tempting to associate the 
    quick and powerful TGFs with 
    lightning bolts, but scientists 
    say that lightning alone is not 
    energetic enough to generate them."

"Scientists say", eh! I bet they do. 
The same breed of scientists that 
denied the existence of  ball lightning 
perhaps. The same shower that denies 
the existence of cold fusion. And no 
doubt even when they put up a satellite 
which is specifically optimised for 
detecting earthly TGFs rather than 
heavenly ones they will continue to 
deny it while they slave away at their 

Lord, give me patience!

Why are they so perishingly proud 
and negative? Surely their attitude 
should be, "I say that's interesting. 
That doesn't fit in with our ideas of 
how things should work. I wonder what 
we are doing wrong?" Better to make 
an ass of ones self with fool's gold 
than to pass over a nugget of real 
gold thinking it's only pyrites.

I realise I am probably only parroting
what other Vorts have said more 
eloquently. But nevertheless, 
the thought is worth repeating -
loud and often.

Frank Grimer

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