At 03:44 pm 27/06/2005 -0400, you wrote:
>Jed wrote:


>As for the Pope, I doubt he has progressed beyond Pius IX, who in 1896 
>pontificated (literally) as follows: "[L]et him be anathema . . . [w]ho 
>shall say that human sciences ought to be pursued in such a spirit of 
>freedom as one may be allowed to hold as true their assertions, even when 
>opposed to revealed doctrine." Oh my, how wonderfully clear the battle 
>lines were back then! Of course the anti-science brigades in the Congress, 
>in the churches, and elsewhere still think that way, and they still act on 
>those beliefs, but they do not admit it so blatantly because they realize 
>that such views make them look stupid in the eyes of the public.
>- Jed

I very much hope and pray that he hasn't "progressed" beyond Pius IX 
and I look forward to the day when the "battle lines" are once again 
"wonderfully clear" 

As for looking stupid in the eyes of the public, what is that in 
comparison with looking stupid in the eyes of God, my Creator and 
Saviour. When one considers the kind of people who the public 
generally worship I thank God that I am not one of them.  8-)



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