Maybe now is the time for long overdue Scientific advancement.
I would like to make a confession.
When I first proposed my ideas, it seemed like absolutely everyone thought I was off my rocker - I realized that being polite and considerate were out of the question if I were to succeed. I was obnoxious, persistent, brutally argumentative, extremely forceful in my comments and I took the attacks for the better good of everyone concerned - because I Knew what my devices could do.
Even the late Eugene Mallove thought I was bonkers for my silly idea of effortlessly Cracking water with a +13,000 degree plasma and my statements on atomic hydrogen adding to the reaction were not welcomed either. Early on I thought, maybe - if the plasma is hot enough, I could even make diamond - and I did. I tried to get funding for gassification of MSW, Toxic waste and water treatment - for the benefit of all concerned, yet how could I possibly be telling the truth?
Seeing that beautiful MAHG device on the link below has brought back old memories, and hope for the future. Being the outcast has not stopped the flow of ideas or my resolve to succeed - because I understand exactly how important my work is and its value to our survival as a species. If nobody ever invests, I will keep going on my own until the end - because I believe in myself and the information that was entrusted to me. I expect to succeed, and at very least - those that did not believe in me will enjoy the promised scientific advances & environmental benefits.
What would a device be worth right now, if it could "ONLY" - under EPA standards of Zero Emissions, effortlessly crack the hydrogen from renewable products such as used vegetable oils, alcohols, water or our 400 year supply of coal? knows, and the plasma drive at the core of this Gassification system is real too, and that Plasma Drive has a US patent that will be protected as best as my new patent attorney can.
Do we have another 70 years to discover, Pulsed Plasma really worked after all?
After seven years though, I am getting tired of repeating myself and by now, I hope you understand that my device not only works, but has industrial value in today's markets and can provide future markets by making new materials.
Jones, apology accepted on the Putoff / Chernetski issue that Puthoff caused by providing two completely different answers on. How were you to know he would do such a thing?
Chris Arnold

Jean de Lagarde <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Please look at

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