Ed, that was a refreshing post.

Edmund Storms <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I would like to suggest that all plasma experiments, including Naudin's
obtain their extra energy from cold fusion. In this case, the tungsten
cathode is the nuclear active environment into which p+ and d+ are
driven by the high voltages used. The unstable nature of the plasma,
either by natural processes or by applying pulsed DC, causes a hydrogen
flux into and out of the W lattice, which drives a fusion and
transmutation process.

In any case, it makes no sense for the extra energy to be made by the
ionization process involving hydrogen. If this were the source, every
electrolytic cell would be OU, which is not the case.


Terry Blanton wrote:

>>From: "Jones Beene"
>>Yes. The sequential process of dissociation/recombination in a
>>plasma or gas is not OU. Too bad that erro! r keeps getting
> You realize, of course, that this is the entire basis for Naudin's M(oller)AHG experiments.
> I am continuing to look into this. Unfortunately, I am a government consultant and our fiscal year just began. Amazing how we can go from no activity to everything is due in "two weeks".

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