Show some respect for your elders, at least the ones that deserve it.

> From: "Mike Carrell"
> The non-collapse of the hydrogen electron orbit is a puzzle in conventional
> QM. Puthoff's postulation of an energy exchange with the "ZPE" is just that,
> a postulate, without any detailed mechanism visible [unless there is
> something in the paper]. Mills' orbitsphere model of the electron is far
> more sophisticated and detailed in its exposition, as can be found on the
> BLP website. Mills' model follows from Maxwell's equations applying the Haus
> condition of non-radiation, and it integrates with a theory of audacious
> scope and depth.
> I've spent hours in the presence of both Dr. Hal Puthoff and Dr. Randell
> Mills, but that doesn't prove anything in particular. IMO trying to force
> ZPE, Casmir, BLP and LENR into the same box by saying any of these is
&g! t; "really" another is quite futile in the present state of our knowledge. All
> that can reasonably be said is that physics is in a crisis similar to that
> in the late 1800's when the accepted paradigms were showing their
> limitations and new phenomena and candidates were emerging. While the Casmir
> effect is well accepted as manifested in a particular family of experiments,
> its "explanation" is somewhat mundane. The BLP and LENR effects shake the
> foundations of current physics and will require a long process of fitting
> the pieces of what is well known into a new picture. This could take
> decades.
> Mike Carrell

Hi Mike,

You present a reasonably satisfying summary in regards to an issue that seems to be causing a considerable ruckus in the chicken coup these days. I would imagine that one of the most difficult aspects pertaining to the on-going theoretical crises is that those who ! tow the party line are probably the least willing to entertain the notion that there might actually be something fundamentally wrong with the current paradigms. It would seem to many observers (particularly within this group) that their job has degenerated, more or less, to the task of killing the fox before he can get any more of their prized chickens.

I suspect there are too many foxes, however, and the racket is probably attracting more of the predators, particularly graduate students. The final outcome is inevitable.

To state that you've spent hours in the presence of both Put-H-off (Is that better, Terry?) and Mills but also acknowledge that it didn't really resolve most of your questions is indeed revealing of the complexity of the issues involved and the lengthy task at hand.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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