It would most probably not require a critical mass as with fission, that leaves fusion.

Jed Rothwell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
thomas malloy wrote:

>A nano tech nuclear bomb? As I understand it, a critical mass is required
>to make the bomb explode.

Good point.

> Does anyone have an explanation of how something like this would work?

Maybe you don't wanna know.

Perhaps there is something on the Association's web site:

The conference announcement goes on to say:

"To discuss about the state-of-the-art technological development in
Nanotechnology and its impacts to the society at large, you are invited to
participate in the

International Congress of Nanotechnology 2005
October 31 to November 4, 2005, San Francisco, USA [This link seems to be dead]

Let your opinion be heard at the Congress!

As of July 15, we are pleased to have more than 125 spea! kers from 35
countries. . . ."

I wish CF conferences were as popular.

- Jed

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