I posted about just this topic on ZPEnergy.com recently and it was about Dr. Diaz at JPL. Now I know Jed and others are going say I am whining over this, however if it was Jed getting ripped off, he would not be taking this so lightly. Another clue that my device is being used will be when they claim a breakthrough has been made of a shield for radiation, as I proposed to NASA several years ago. The "good news" is that greed and haste have worked to prevent the technology from being hidden by the US Government, and surprisingly nobody wants to invest in me and profit from my work - sour grapes I suppose, more likely just too unbelievable to believe - at this time. Below is the repost from ZPEnergy
Now, before anyone jumps on me - I was told over a year ago that Diaz was using my device, and from the sound of it - they must have witnessed it, so possibly they work at JPL too. In any case - it mirrors my proposal to Mark Millis, but the contents are confidential.
BTW Wesley, Dave Adair (as I recall) already invented the fusion rocket when he was a young boy - so what was it you were referring to that they are "close" to with a Plasma rocket?
Re: Propellantless Propulsion G-Engine via Zero g-force WARP Drive - The Math (Score: 1)
by pulsed_ignition on Thursday, July 28, 2005 @ 19:25:11 PDT
(User Info | Send a Message) http://members.aol.com/hypercom59
Gosh Jack, I wonder if the Warp Drive you speak of is anything like what I proposed to Mark Millis at NASA? Hello Mark!!!!! Someone high up at JPL (a Dr.) is supposed to be using the PLASMA that my device produces for propulsion - and I was told it was the #2 project at JPL. As I was told - "Dr. X is not using the mechanical energy that your device produces, he is using the plasma for propulsion." Imagine that? Maybe they were just trying to drive me over the edge in telling me this, but no such luck. If our Government would rather steal it than pay for it - this is nothing new. Thank GOD Clinton is not in charge anymore, or he would just give it to the Chinese.

ZPE is real and Pulsed Plasma can tap it - which is covered in my US patent.


Wesley Bruce <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
One way to defuse the hot fusion critics is to point out how close they
are to having a workable plasma rocket. Their skills in plasma
engineering could be so usefully if they stopped banging their head
against the wall of stable fusion breakeven and simply uses cold fusion
powered plasma propulsion systems. With a cold fusion powered plasma
rocket we could get a payload to Mars in under three months at any time
of the year. Ask them if their saying that their to dumb to do plasma
drives or plasma sails. Are they saying that the only game their any
good at is toroidal fusion power; a systems that's been struggling along
for 60 years without a watt of usable power? Can they only work for
Department of energy grants? Are they not good enough for NASA?

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