On Saturday 7/23/05 I was "finally" successful (after over a year of trying) to convert my synthetic diamond powder into a solid pellet that would prove the phase shift from powder to solid diamond would occur at pressures far less than required for sintering diamond powders into polycrystalline diamond or single crystals.


The only problem is upon phase shift into a solid diamond, the material bonded to the inside wall of the custom High Pressure High Temperature (HTHP) chamber and I now needed to hire an EDM shop to cut out and return a one-piece cylinder containing the diamond and pressure pistons inside - so investor meetings could finally be held to finally show the proof that waited within the chamber. The pressure pistons would not budge a micron with over 2 Million PSI applied to them to push them thru - proving something solid and immovable was within.


A local EDM shop was referred by an EDM manufacturer and very specific and detailed instructions were given for cutting around the diamond. Under no circumstances was the diamond or pressure pistons to be touched by the plasma, as I would cut it out of its enclosure myself. The first thing he did was cut out the diamond and stole it, now the local police are involved and the FBI has been contacted. Without that immovable pellet – over six years of seeking funding is over, and I cannot afford to buy another HTHP chamber or wait the 3 months for it to arrive. On top of that someone else has my prototype diamond, made from my unique diamond powder and I can’t begin to start the patent on it until I “see” it and test it. I refinanced my house four months ago because nobody in the industry would believe me except Novatech Diamond, and they only wanted a minimum of $5000 to press my m! aterial into wafers or $2 Million for a diamond press - so I did it myself with my own money – and now some asshole has shattered almost 7 years worth of progress and personal investments in a single criminal act.


This is my final post, I will “not” be taking any questions, and since the irrefutable proof I needed to guarantee investors has now vanished, I have nothing left to show or say other than good luck talking about, making the world a better place for “nothing but” people that do nothing useful, as they lie or steal from, or f--- over the few honest people that invest everything in their own unique ideas and hard work.


Chris Arnold

I would appreciate someone telling me how to exit this fine list so the emails will also stop. Ed, you are my hero - keep up the good work and power fusion is possible.

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