Exciting bedtime stores! Ought to put me to sleep at night in no time.

Surely someone has done the math to calculate just how much volumetric space 
would be necessary to house all the animals that marched into the Ark 
two-by-two. And don't forget all of their specific dietary needs. Glad I wasn't 
the stable boy.

Just what did they feed the carnivores with? Manna?

Well, Noah had divine help.  I have heard that they all became vegans.  :-)

The best book on the Noahs Ark and feeding the animals is Noah's Ark: A Feasibility Study by John Woodmorappe <http://shop4.gospelcom.net/epages/AIGAU.storefront/42f4104400bdfcfc271e45579e7a06bf/Product/View/10&2D3&2D078>
I think they ate seagulls.* :-)*

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