Zell sez:


> I understand that African cheetahs are anomalous, being nearly natural
> clones of each other, genetically.  Makes you wonder how
> stuff really got here. 

Regarding cheetahs, I've heard scientific speculation that the reason their 
genetic pool is so unusually narrow (clone-like in nature) was due to the 
suspicion that this beautiful species may have been nearly wiped off the face 
of the Serengeti planes many thousands of years ago. A break in the food chain. 
Mass starvation. Bad weather. Who knows. Perhaps by the grace of god a tiny 
band of these hearty creatures managed to survive and pass on what little 
genetic variation left to their progeny. Regarding the "grace of god" term, I 
speak figuratively here. ;-)

On a more speculative and controversial note, one that certainly is NOT 
scientifically endorsed by the current political climate, some have speculated 
that cheetahs may have come into existence through a deliberately controlled 
breeding program, perhaps engineered by an ancient civilization  - most likely 
Egyptian in nature.

Regardless, both theories are intriguing.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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