A recent news article on neutron emissions from lightning, and deuterium in the atmosphere. Thought some here would be interested.



On Sep 15, 2005, at 9:16 AM, RC Macaulay wrote:


Some time back our company worked up a series of schematics for a presentation on proposed solar "hot plates" that could be used in 3rd world countries for a " combo" cooking and distilling water. The idea is actually a takeoff of a " Mr. Coffee" type electric perculator. The setup included a solar collector, a ceramic hotplate fixed in a salt eutectic bed ,a steam still , a non potable water tank and a potable water tank. The whole unit portable that unfolds from a suitcase type container. Some 3rd world countries have depleted thier source of firewood and/ or lack potable water supplies. We were working with a world missions program group that forecast a demand in the millions of units provided the cost could be below $ 50.00 US. The whole project got sidelined while trying to locate a source of inexpensive fresnel lense materials.

"Bingo" !! up step Michael.

I have a full time research project going at present but if you are interested I can fax you the schematics and put you in touch with the interested parties, They operates similar to the Livingwaters charitable waterwell drilling people in Africa and remote areas on earth.


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