----- Original Message ----- From: "Mitchell Swartz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <vortex-l@eskimo.com>
Cc: "John Coviello" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Mitchell Swartz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, September 17, 2005 1:04 PM
Subject: Re: How to send papers to LENR-CANR.org

At 11:42 AM 9/17/2005, "John Coviello" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
There you go Dr. Swartz, no more excuses. Send Jed your ICCF-10 paper and he'll publish it. It would be convient to be able to download the Swartz ICCF-10 paper from lenr-canr.org. A simple question to Dr. Swarts, is this paper that you have repeatedly requested to be published by Jed on lenr-canr.org avaiabble on your own website? If not, why not? That would be a simple way to publish it to the world, and then Jed could easily download it and publish it with your permission. Also, the charge of censorship, which Swartz is obsessed with, is getting very old. Both Jed and I have told Swartz that anything he submits to the website will be placed on the website. We have no reason to censor his work. In addition, if he knows of any paper that is not on the site, which he thinks should be, he only needs to send a copy to Jed.



 Thank you for your interest and misconceptions.
 It is a pain to respond to this nonsense again, but so be it.

First, as in the past, any serious scientist/researcher/student on vortex who wants a copy of our papers need only send me an email. Many are available on pdf, and for the next week or so
 I will accommodate these requests (as before).

Second, the issue was censorship by Ed Storms, which has been proven -- even corroborated by the late Dr. Eugene Mallove, by Prof. Peter Hagelstein, by several of those censored who contacted me by email, and even by Jed Rothwell who corroborated such in private email to me
lament that he [Jed] did not have control over Edmund.

We previously sent copies of our papers to Jed and Ed [in hand, by CD-ROM, by email, etc.] and in the end, until a certain historian was contacted about 2 years later, Edmund Storms censored EVEN THEIR titles. Nota bene: Even the titles of our 3 papers at ICCF-10.
And we were not alone, by the way.

Third, incredibly, thereafter, Mr. Rothwell demanded to be able to EDIT them. Jed was given PDF files which he could not edit, and to this day, he has insisted that they be
in ASCII so that he may edit them. That is, and was, not acceptable.
His computer programming background is irrelevant.
Over the years, Jed has made serious errors in his reports and translations, at least
twice confusing 'anode' and 'cathode' and more.

   Although YOU and others may not take accuracy seriously, I (and we) do.

Of course I take accuracy very seriously. Why wouldn't I? What is the point of publishing inaccurate information?

I've read your complaints about Jed not publishing your ICCF-10 paper on lenr-canr.org for well over one year now on Vortex. I think it is fair to ask Jed that the original PDF (unedited) version of the paper be published on his website. I believe that almost always Jed just publishes the papers on his website as they are given to him. The editing happens when a paper is from a foreign source and difficult to understand and Jed edits them to make them easier to read, with the author's permission of course.

It is well past time to put up or give up regarding publishing your paper online. Just send Jed the PDF version of your ICCF-10 paper today and give him permission to post it, and if Jed follows through the controversy will be over forever, problem solved. Jed, should be fair and accept Mitchell's paper as is and just publish it. To make it easier, perhaps upload the paper to the server on your website and give Jed the URL (even if you don't want to make it public).

This controversy can be solved very easily by just a few simple steps. The last thing this field needs is senseless infighting. This infighting is not helpful to our mutual goals of seeing cold fusion recognized and developed for commercial purposes.

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