In a message dated 10/20/2005 5:28:18 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
I think it would also be helpful to review and test the contents of Inspired Writing (including what some would call "channeled" messages) in the same rigorous manner that any collected scientific "data" must endure. This harkens back to my previous comment that if one can not or is unwilling to distinguish the difference between the two perceptions of reality then one is in danger of loosing touch with the unique strengths both universes offer and how, when understood, both can complement and nurture the growth of our individual psyches.
We all think with the two parts of our brain (logical) and (dreaming) at the same time which is bipolar thinking, and some think with many more parts of their brain in parallel which is multipolar and which creates a new form of logic and science which is multi-logical that defines truth as becoming true or false in a more vague probabilistic manner depending on the data given for any given universe of being which defines our subconscious mind and our reality. Oxford University throws out any students or professors who dare teach logic based on five levels of truthhood that may define how our subconscious mind works, since then we may model our subconscious mind computationally so as to be able to engineer our present by means of computational dream engineering. 
I think along many different parallel timelines and possible realities all at once at every moment in time, since the future(s) and past(s) may always be changing due to time travel and other choices we all may make in the present(s).   B.F. Skinner mentioned in his Walden II novel that in his communities the past is forgotten, and new archetypes of the present and future are engineered so that the members of the communities may live and think and dream in new ways.
I do have a part of me which is purely scientific and logical, and another part which is mythological and dreaming, since we can not altogether forget our distant Jungian historical archetypes that we may have inherited from the past, which perhaps we should honor and upgrade and rewrite in a better way to make a better future for ourselves and others in the future and a better past for our distant ancestors who may be dependent on what we do and think today as we may be dependent on them. 
The Harry Potter novels speak about communities on Earth which make it illegal to speak about their communities if you wish to be a part of their community.  In some communities which already know how to make cars fly, it is illegal to fly them due to the United Kingdom Ministry of Magic (Beam energy computer control of airspace on Earth)  which prevents such cars from being made and used.  However hover cars do not fly, they simply hover a few inches above the ground, and are not covered by UK laws that forbid flying cars. 
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