In reply to  Edmund Storms's message of Thu, 17 Nov 2005 14:03:14
>> The loss doesn't happen at all. On the contrary it's the other ion
>> that suffers the loss, the hydrino "suffers" a gain. The
>> hydrinohydride is the negative ion. It can form ionic bonds with
>> positive ions of other atoms. When forming a coating on a metal,
>> think of it as a substitute for O--, and the layer formed as
>> analogous to an oxide layer.
>OK, you propose that two or more electrons occupy fractional quantum 
>levels at the same proton. Presumably the same kind of limitations exist 
>here as in normal quantum levels, i.e. no two electrons can occupy the 
>same quantum level.  These electrons can not leave the proton to 
>interact with other atoms but their charge is "felt" by positive ions 
>with which an ionic compound is formed.  Is this what you have in mind? 

With reservation[1], yes. That's Mills' definition of
hydrinohydride AFAIK.
(Poor name IMO).

>  I expect you would also conclude that such compounds are very good 
>insulators and would interact chemically only with material in which 
>ions are present.  In other words, no metallic or covalent interaction 
>would be possible.

Indeed, I would make that assumption, with the same reservation
mentioned above, i.e. 
[1] it is true for Hydrinohydride that has shrunk past about level
3-4. However for the *first couple of levels* the second electron
is only bound very weakly, so *this* hyh (my abbrev.) is actually
a strong reductor, akin to a metal atom.
(According to Mills this is paradoxically also true for levels
beyond about 22, and after 24 the second electron doesn't bind at
The strongest bond is for level 16 if I remember correctly.

BTW, note that if hit by an energetic particle, the hyh can be
knocked out of its lattice, and deprived of its second electron
(this may require a second collision, depending on the energy of
the colliding particle), so that it once again becomes a plain
hydrino. Once this has happened, the hydrino can undergo further
shrinkage reactions.

Also of interest is that hyh because it is very small, sits much
closer to its positive ion in its lattice. If this ion is itself
small e.g. B+++ then the chances of a fusion reaction are enhanced
enormously (many orders of magnitude), particularly as the two are
continually in close proximity, so that the confinement time in
the Lawson criterion is effectively infinite. Of course the
greater the shrinkage of the hyh, the shorter will be the
half-life of such reactions.
IOW looking at the Lawson criterion, the density is huge, and the
confinement time is unlimited, but the temperature is low.

Another thing to consider is that the hyh may actually sit
*inside* the electron shells of the other positive ion,
effectively displacing an existing electron. If this is possible,
because of its huge mass, it should orbit the positive ion
effectively at the radius of the hyh. (Analogous to "muonic
molecules", but where the negative muon is replaced by hyh).
Actually, it probably couldn't get that close, because by then the
attractive force exerted on the second electron by the nucleus of
the positive ion would remove it from the hydrino. 

This is unfortunately an aspect that Mills appears unwilling to
entertain. It would however IMO provide a very neat explanation
for "heat after death".


Robin van Spaandonk

Competition provides the motivation,
Cooperation provides the means.

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