I'm afraid this news is "just the tip of the iceberg". Sources say that the boasting by the Saudis that they have plenty of oil is a ruse. You see, in the 70s they almost destroyed themselves with the oil embargo. Suddenly people became aware that we were vulnerable. The people began to conserve. This had a major impact on the income of OPEC.

Now, they are fighting the truth of a real shortage. Look at how far the Kuwaitis backed off production in Burgan. They have damaged their field trying to push production. The damage is greater in Arabia.

There is a good reason why noone is building new refineries.

-----Original Message-----
From: Steven Krivit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
Sent: Mon, 21 Nov 2005 21:53:24 -0800
Subject: Re: challenging papers


Now, as for what' s real at the present moment: The Burgan field situation, though seemingly unfit for the NYT, is monumental. http://newenergytimes.com/Newsmedia/2005/KuwaitsBiggestField.htm 
Smart people are watching news like this and their ears are perked up. 
The battle is no longer with opposition, it is with ignorance. And intelligent people are starting to get curious. 
They are starting to consider CF. Watch for this. Help them when the time is right. 

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