Eric etal--

I have always thought that the so called branching ratios were associated with 
potential states of the system that conserve linear momentum and angular 
momentum of the earlier system that is subject to decay.  With the interaction 
of particles with linear momentum something has to be produced that conserves 
this momentum and yet is an allowed energy state in the new system. 

If large angular momentum is involved in the initial state, the decay state 
must be able to conserve that angular momentum.  In varying magnetic fields 
variations in  allowed spin energy states occurs and hence the allowed angular 
momentum of the system also changes.  If it is possible to match the new system 
angular momentum with the initial system's angular momentum, but at a lower 
total energy, it is possible that mass loss will occur with the exit of energy 
to the environment of the new system.  

If spin coupling (transfer of angular momentum ability) between the new system 
and its environment exists, then  angular momentum need not be conserved 
between the initial system and the new system.  Such coupling may very well 
change the decay ratios that Eric is thinking about, much the same way he is 
thinking about charge density changing the ratios.  

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Eric Walker 
  Sent: Sunday, February 01, 2015 1:28 PM
  Subject: Re: [Vo]:earlier thread on surface vs volume effect in the gamma 
decay of radioisotopes

  On Sun, Feb 1, 2015 at 12:49 PM, <> wrote:

    It must be one of the thousands that I deleted unread, however I wouldn't 
    that sort of thing to affect gamma radiation.

  Maybe.  But consider for a moment the decay of a [dd]* compound nucleus, 
which normally follows one of the two strong-interaction branches, where it 
breaks up, and very occasionally follows the EM branch, in which a gamma is 
emitted after a long period of time.  Typically, I believe, such decays are 
measured in ion bombardment experiments or in dusty plasmas and the branching 
ratios are inferred from results obtained in such contexts.

  In the ion bombardment experiments, I assume the incoming d+ ion encounters 
the d atom embedded within the metal, but in a region of little charge density, 
and you get the usual branching ratios.  (Or perhaps experimentalists work 
backwards from their results, assuming the normal branching ratios.)

  Suppose for a moment that the electron charge density had an effect on the 
branching ratios.  If the charge density is high, the supposition is that the 
EM transition is heavily favored for [dd]* decay, but the momentum is shared 
with one or more electrons, so that you do not get a gamma, but instead one or 
more energetic electrons.  A problem with this thought experiment is that it 
does not explain why gammas are seen in the decays of radioisotopes with gamma 
branches; presumably if electron charge density had an effect, you would not 
see sharp gammas peaks for such radioisotopes but instead energetic electrons 
and associated continuum radiation.

  Here a counterargument to the electron charge density hypothesis is that if 
charge density was a factor, you might expect to see a volume/surface effect.  
The more surface area, presumably the lower the charge density at the surface, 
and hence more gamma activity from the radioisotope.  The argument is that this 
kind of volume versus surface effect is not observed, so the hypothesis needs 
to be revisited.

  The thought that I had to add to this discussion is that there need not be a 
surface-volume effect for the charge density hypothesis to remain a 
possibility.  Even if the gamma emitting radioisotope is embedded deep within a 
solid, I assume the net charge around the nucleons will be positive.  By 
contrast, if a [dd]* compound nucleus were decaying within the dense electron 
cloud of a metal, it might be straightforward for the surrounding electrons to 
overwhelm the 2+ charge from the two protons, leading to a net negative charge 
density, even within the field of the [dd]* nucleus.


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