On Fri, 16 Dec 2005, Rhong Dhong wrote:

> At the moment then, requiring an email address to be
> confirmed may not mean that the subscriber can be
> traced.

Where anonymity is banned (or where money is involved,) some places refuse
to honor yahoo.com email addresses or other free email services for
confirmations.   Then you have to search for a free email service which
the forum owners haven't added to their exclude list.

(((((((((((((((((( ( (  (   (    (O)    )   )  ) ) )))))))))))))))))))
William J. Beaty                            SCIENCE HOBBYIST website
billb at amasci com                         http://amasci.com
EE/programmer/sci-exhibits   amateur science, hobby projects, sci fair
Seattle, WA  206-789-0775    unusual phenomena, tesla coils, weird sci

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